Understanding key obstetric definitions is foundational for medical students preparing for exams or clinical practice. This blog covers essential terms related to pregnancy, birth, and neonatal care.
Pregnancy and Birth
- Abortion: Termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks or fetal weight <500g.
- Birth: Complete expulsion of the fetus at >20 weeks or >500g, regardless of viability.
- Viability: Fetus is viable at >24 weeks or >500g.
- Missed Miscarriage: Asymptomatic intrauterine fetal death.
- Threatened Miscarriage: Uterine bleeding without labor.
- Incomplete Miscarriage: Active miscarriage with retained products.
Neonatal Deaths
- Early Neonatal Death: Within 7 days of birth.
- Late Neonatal Death: Within 4 weeks of birth.
Important Timelines
- T1: 0-12 weeks
- T2: 12-28 weeks
- T3: 28-40 weeks
Pre-Term, Term, Post-Term:
- Pre-Term: <37 weeks
- Term: 37-42 weeks
- Post-Term: >42 weeks
Mastering these definitions ensures clarity in communication and enhances understanding of obstetric care. These notes are essential for MBBS, NEET PG, and USMLE preparation.